
Thursday, January 18, 2018

BaZi: DTS DiTianSui and 何知章 How to know if a person is wealthy?

The ugly thing about DTS is that it is so cryptic. It is so difficult to digest.

The beautiful thing about this cryptic poem is that every single word was chosen to mean something. Translating a single word incorrectly or omitting just one word from translation will give an entirely different meaning.

DiTianSui literally means Drips of Heavenly Marrow. Marrow in this context more likely means 'Essence'. as in 精髓 JingSui. So Di Tian Sui most likely means Drips of Heavenly Essence.

It is just drips, it's not the entire body of watery essence. Just drops of essences to get us intrigued. That is why it is so cryptic. It's not meant to tell us the entire picture.

I was talking about the Original DTS without any of the annotations or commentary. Commentaries can be good but they may or may not represent the original author's point of view. That is a debatable subject and it is for us to come to our own conclusions.

This is one part of the poem that I wasn't able to figure out.

DTS says:

How to know if a person is wealthy? The Wealth Qi connects through the portals

How do we know if a person is wealthy just by looking at his Bazi chart? That's easy, just see if the Wealth Qi connects through the portals 门户.

Okay, what the heck are the portals? Note that it's a plural term

The Chinese word for portals 门户 MenHu is made of two words, 门 'Men' and 户 'Hu'

门 Men is actually doors with two panels like this, the traditional chinese character is more graphical and it looks like this 門, which looks like the picture below

While 户 Hu means a single panel door that looks like this

Okay.... So DTS says if one is rich, Wealth Qi must connect through the doors in the Bazi chart.

Where are the doors in a Bazi chart?

Well, I am pretty sure that one of the doors is the Month EB or YueLing. I think I read it in one of the old classics that Month EB is sometimes referred to as the door but I can't figure out which one of the classics.

And since the two panel doors refer to the Month EB, the only logical deduction for where the one panel door is, is the Hour EB.

This is the only deduction that make sense. Other classics like SMTH analyzes heavily on both Month and Hour EB.

How to know if someone is rich? when Wealth Qi connects through the Month and Hour EB.

In modern words: Wealth star needs to participate in the dynamics that comes from the Month and Hour EB

So let's take an example, this guy

Month EB -> Owl God, Malevolent Deity, it needs to be suppressed by Wealth
Minister God -> Wealth Ding protruding directly on top of Wei n hour EB

So Wealth is in the dynamics of the two doors. Is that how to see if one is rich?

I am afraid there is no concrete answer to this. We will have to come to our own understandings. Or, if you choose to study the annotations and commentaries, you will get to the commentators understanding.

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