configuration has Taiyang in You, Xu, Hai or Zi Courts sitting in Ming Palace
with chart owners born in the night. Another sub-type has Taiyin in Mao, Chen,
Si, Wu Courts sitting in Ming Palace with chart owners born in the day.
Sun and Moon are in a phase of descent, with the three corners and four
opposites having no main auspicious stars but inauspicious
stars. The chart owner will be poor and lowly his entire life.
only auspicious stars in the Ming Palace, the chart owner will toil and labour. However, the owner of this
configuration is better than that of charts with Sun and Moon in Miao or Wang
phase (This excludes configurations with Sun in Zi Court, Moon in Wu Court
sitting in Ming Palace, which connotes great wealth and status). It is
important to study this configuration closely to ascertain whether it is
auspicious or inauspicious.
and Moon in a phase of descent sitting in Ming Palace, does not necessarily
indicate poverty and a lowly existence. Should there be no inauspicious stars
in the three corners and four opposites, and there is Lucun, Huake, Huaquan,
Huanlu, Youbi, Zoufu, Wenchang, Wenqu, Tiankui, Tianyue, the chart owner will
achieve great strides in his career and be wealthy and achieve great status.
One example is Princess Diana, who was born in Xin Chou year, Fifth month,
Nineteenth day, You/Rooster Hour. Her chart has Taiyang and Tianliang in You Court sitting in Ming Palace.
She is a famous princess of her time.
configuration has Wuqu and Lianzhen, one in the Ming Palace, the other in Self
Palace. Wuqu is the wealth star and is Metal element, Lianzhen is incarceration
star and is fire element. Fire and metal are mutually destructive and are akin
to enemies and are especially jealous of each other. The chart owner will
meet with disaster and will not have peace in life. Should one of the stars be
paired with Huaji, the chart owner will definitely have a sudden and violent
illness and meet with danger. Should the three corners and four opposites be in
Miao or Wang phase, and auspicious transformation, then it does not fit this
23、一生孤贫格,破军陷地守命(卯酉宫, 巳亥宫),命宫、对宫、三合宫没有任何一颗吉星加会,即为一生孤贫之格。
configuration indicates poverty and loneliness. It has Puojun in descent
sitting in Ming Palace (Mao, You Court, Si, Hai Court). There is no auspicious
star in Ming Palace, the opposite Palace or in the three corners.
This configuration is known
as Gentleman in the Wild, with Gentleman referring to auspicious star, In the
Wild referring to stars in the Miao or Wang phase which is in relatively
unimportant Palaces (For males, this refers to Parents Palace, Sibling Palace,
Health Palace, Friends Palace, Spouse Palace and Children Palace). Ming, Wealth, Career, Travel Palaces
have Tanlang, Tianxing, Four inauspicious stars, Dikong, Dijie and other
inauspicious stars, where the stars are in descent. It is like chart
owners having corrupt officials in his life and will definitely be
poor and die young.
configuration has Lucun and Hualu sitting in Ming Palace, meeting Kong Wang,
Jie Hao,
Huo Ling in a phase of descent in the same Palace, meeting with other
inauspicious stars. Even though the chart owner has indications of wealth, he
will definitely be poor.
陀夹忌格,禄存在命宫,则必为羊陀所夹。若有化忌星同宫,或对宫有化忌星冲破,即羊陀夹忌之格,化忌星之凶性得羊陀之夹而得以充分发挥,其凶可知,或因一 时之吉而招长远之凶。虽有禄存在命,反不为美。
Lucun in Ming Palace, will
be sandwiched by Qingyang and Tuoluo. This configuration has Huaji in the same
Palace, or Huaji in the opposite Palace which clashes and destructs.
The inauspicious
nature of Huaji require Qingyang and Tuoluo to
be at its most inauspicious. There may be momentarily auspiciousness but
it attracts long term misfortune. Even though Lucun resides in Ming Palace,
this is not a good configuration.
例如安命在申,又逢忌星,擎羊在酉,陀罗在未夹之,其余仿此为例。太岁二限行到此地亦凶,主孤贫刑克。若禄 存单守命宫,无吉星同宫,看财为奴亦有余殃之凶。
example is Ming in Shen Court, meeting Ji Stars, Qingyang in You Court, Tuoluo
in Wei Court. Every two years, Taisui will descend upon this phase and will
cause the chart owner to be poor. Should only Lucun sit in the Ming Palace with
no auspicious stars, the chart owner will be a slave to wealth and accumulate
misfortune which will befall him later.
铃夹命格,火星铃星在邻宫来夹命宫,即为此格,唯寅午戌年生人有这种情形出现。人命逢此,其人胆大,有潜在的反抗心理,具破坏性。或者个性冲动,暴躁,易 遇凶灾。
This configuration has
Huoxing and Lingxing in the neighbouring Palace of Ming Palace and is
applicable only to those born in Yin, Wu, Xu years. Chart owners will be bold and have
an innate rebellious streak and destructive personality. Another possibility is a rash,
impulsive personality which makes the chart owner prone to disaster.
若命宫有化忌星,则为大凶之兆,必遭奇祸,或因一时冲动而招致重灾。若是贪狼守命宫,得火铃夹命反为大吉之格,要是贪狼化禄的话,则是大富大贵之 命。
is extremely inauspicious should Ming Palace contain Huaji. The chart owner
will definitely meet with strange disaster, or will meet with disaster due to a
moment's impulsiveness. Should Tanlang sit in Ming Palace, with Huoxing and
Lingxing sandwiching Ming Palace, it will be an auspicious configuration.
Should Tanlang Hualu, the chart owner will attain great wealth and status.
空夹命格,地劫天空二星在邻宫夹命。此格唯有安命子宫和巳宫,遇劫空来夹。如同父母兄弟无助,其性质与劫空同在命宫相似。若是命宫无正曜,或星辰落陷,遇 劫空夹,主凶兆。
configuration has Dijie and Dikong in the neighbouring Palace of Ming Palace.
This is only applicable for chart owners with Ming Palace in Zi Court or Si Court. Should Parent and Sibling Palace
be of no help, it is similar to Dikong and Dijie in the Ming Palace. It is unfavorable should Ming Palace
have no main star or stars are in descent, meeting Dijie, Dikong.
Should Ming Palace
have auspicious stars, which are in Miao phase, with auspicious stars in the
three corners, the inauspicious nature of Dikong and Dijie sandwiching Ming
Palace will be reduced drastically. This is not considered inauspicious and may
be ignored.
Ming and Self Palace but during ten-year luck and annual
luck, meets with auspicious stars, with Lu Ma interactions and three corners with auspicious stars. This is akin to spring-time, happy and glorious. After the passing of the auspicious LP and AP, the chart owner goes back to a state of tiredness.
This configuration has LPAP combined with evil star. Should Zi LPAP be inauspicious, with Chou LPAP being auspicious, it is best to come out of Zi LPAP and move into Chou LPAP. At this time, should there be auspicious support from three corners, meeting Lu and Quan, the chart owner will have sudden wealth and advantage.
Lu Ma are the equivalent of Wealth and Status, Lu in decline thus indicates that the star is in the land of void and descent. Ma/Horse in descent (sleep) and meeting inauspicious stars, during LPAP and Tai Sui indicates that the chart owner will squander wealth and cause the family to break up.
Both Tanlang and Wuqu are in the stage of Grave, the chart
owner will be poor in his youth. Encountering good LPAP, he will become rich after 30 years of age.
Chart owners who meet with inauspicious back to back LPAP that are in a phase of descent, will be sad and lonely with no one to reply on.
Chart owners who meet with inauspicious back to back LPAP that are in a phase of descent, will be sad and lonely with no one to reply on.
This chart alternates between good LPAP and bad LPAP. It is akin to the up and down motion of turbulent waters. There are many people in society who are like this.
This chart alternates between good LPAP and bad LPAP. It is akin to the up and down motion of turbulent waters. There are many people in society who are like this.
This configuration has Ming Palace with auspicious and inauspicious stars. If the combination is auspicious, the the inauspicious is removed and auspiciousness remains. Naturally, this will be a wealthy and noble chart. If the combination is inauspicious, then auspicious is removed and inauspicious remains. This signifies a poor and lonely life and the advice is to accept one's fate and be content.
Ancient people said: " Withered wood will grow again in Spring, how can people not have a period of good luck? " Even if natal chart is bad, during good LPAP, the chart owner can become rich, just like withered wood meeting Spring.
Notes regarding certain charts with their configurations broken
This configuration has many auspicious stars in Ming Palace. With Dikong, Dijie and other inauspicious stars in the chart then this is the flaw.
This configuration has
This configuration has Wenqu, Wenchang
This configuration
has Ming Palace without main stars; Health Palace contains Sun and Moon with
inauspicious stars. The chart owner will have poor health (back bent and blind)
or have injury or disability.
This configuration
has Ming Palace in Si or Hai Courts, with Tianji in the same Palace. Should
there be other auspicious stars, the chart owner will be noble and cunning.
Should it not fit the configuration, the chart owner will be despicable.
Wenqu in Xu Court
sitting in Ming Palace, with Jumen and Taiyang in Yin Court. Both males and
females with this configuration will have a high chance of divorce. With four
inauspicious stars, the chart owner will be prone to romantic liaisons which
will be unfavorable for the chart owner.
can explain in detail Tan Lang + Ling Xing Combination in Karma palace