Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Classical BaZi - the structural sect 格局派

The most traditional way of analyzing BaZi does not begin with knowing the strength of the DM. The classical way begins analysis with looking at the month branch and see how it interacts with the DM. In other words, establishing the structure. Refer to any of the poetic texts and one could see that the Month EB is really where the analysis should begin.

I would like to write an article to explain how this can be done, but I'm not articulate enough to do this. So I'd just translate a text from SMTH and add some commentary to explain the procedure.

The art of analyzing Life (BaZi)

Largely, when one analyzes BaZi, one should look at the Month EB first, see if there is Wealth or Officer, then only look at the others, the month EB is Life

This text tells us first to look for Officer and Wealth in the Month EB. Normally, if there is Officer in the chart and the Officer protrudes, we regard the chart as Officer structure. If there's Wealth and it protrudes, we regard it as Wealth structure. If there's neither of them, we would see which god protrudes and establish the structure based on the protruding god. However, Officer structure always takes precedence over other structures, followed by Wealth.

Month, take the deity from the EB, Year, take the deity from the HS, Day, take the deity from the HS, the Annual pillar, take the deity from the HS, LP take from the EB.

This text tells us which part of the pillar is more important for the BaZi

Month as the foundation, Day as the Master, if the Month has Direct Officer or Indirect Officer, but the hour has fallen into another structure, then only the one within the Month is taken, other structures are not used.

This is an important part of classical BaZi.

Month is seen as the 'Time' of the Year. In a year, Qi changes from Spring to Summer to Autumn and Winter.

In certain 'time' of the Year, certain element takes command. This is what we referred to as YueLing, the Month Command. There's an article in this blog that explain this.

Hour is seen as the 'Time' of the Day. In a day, Qi changes from Sunrise to Noon to Sunset and Midnight. 

In certain 'time' of the Day, certain element takes command. We don't refer this as the Hour Command, but we usually call this 'Birth Hour'. It is a very important point of analysis in classical BaZi.

So when Month EB carries a structure, naturally Hour EB carries another structure.However, if the Month Command carries an Officer or 7K structure, the structures that can be derived from the Birth Hour or from any other part of the chart will be disregarded.

If the Month Command has nothing to be used, the we would look for another structure.

The Old Song says: 

Three palaces carrying structure is mixed and difficult to analyze, don't know from whom (where) we should based the nobility on, One duty and all three palaces bring structures, nonetheless only the key-point(Month EB) can be used.

Three palaces are the Year, Month and Hour. Each of these could carry Officer and Wealth. And thus the BaZi will have 3 structures. Nonetheless, only the Month EB will be analyzed. The rest has to be disregarded. 

The Month Command uses EB, if it is Officer star, it is wonderful if it protrudes both in the Stem and Branch.

If it only protrudes in the Stem but not in the Branch, it denotes intelligence and handsomeness. 

忌年与时冲月支, 日支自冲不妨,大运及岁君来冲月支则祸。
It is feared for Year EB and  Hour EB to clash the Month EB, but Day EB clashing the Month EB does not matter, but if the Annual Pillar and Luck Pillar comes to clash Month EB, then it is disaster.

When there is only one Direct Officer, one is a noble person, sincere and magnanimous, pure-hearted, direct, honest and clean, if there's Seal at Year or Hour pillar it would be very good, if there's many Officers, it denotes success and failure.

Four places with pure Officer, one is a government official with underserved reputation

If there's only one 7k, one is very bright, clever and intelligent, two or three 7K denotes clean at first and dirt after.

Four pillars with pure 7K (four 7Ks), with restraint it is noble, without restraint is poor or common people.

As for Wealth, if there's only one, it must obtain the 'time' (season or hour), then one can be wealthy and successful, but one is quick tempered and hasty.

If there's two Wealths, the quick temperamental is reduced to half, if there's 3 or 4 Wealth stars then it wastes Qi and DM is weak.

If DM is strong, then (the Wealth structure) can be established, if DM is weak then one will have a difficult life

As for Seal, it does not matter if there's only one or two or four, they are all considered good, but within the structure there must not be Wealth to break the Seal.

Here's the recap of the above text from SMTH

1. When analyzing BaZi, first look for Wealth or Officer from the month EB.
2. If there is not Wealth or Officer, then establish another structure base on the Month EB
3. Year, Month and Hour all can carry structures but if the Month EB carries Direct Officer or Indirect Officer structure, all other structures are disregarded.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

BaZi: Royalties - Prince Charles of Wales


I thought I'd just finish with the royalties. I'm very lazy to translate lately. I had suddenly thought about 泄漏天机 'leaking the mechanism of Heaven' as we say in Chinese. Telling people stuff that are supposedly 'secrets' of Heaven. I'm hesitating, should I keep on translating? There's really nothing for me in return. Hmmmm....

Back to the topic.

亥月借取伤官格。Hai month borrows Hurting Officers structure.

Gui water born in Hai. A borrowed Hurting Officer structure.

Wu Earth is on the Year HS. This is a case of 伤官见官. Hurting Officer seeing Officer. Supposedly inauspicious. But not really.

There are 3 elements Hurting Officer that is auspicious to see Officer.

The classics says:



Hurting Officer Fire and Earth has to Hurt completely.


Metal Water Hurting Officer wants to meet Officer.


Wood Fire seeing Officer, Officer must be prosperous.


Earth Metal Officer is discarded then one would become Officer (holds a government Office)


Only Metal Wood Hurting Officer structure,


That when Wealth and Officer are both seen, that is really favorable.

SMTH says:


Water has Wood as Hurt(ing Officer), has Earth as Officer, even though Wood counters Earth, if Water is rampant, Wood floats, and without Earth to stop (the Water), it is difficult (for Wood) to survive, furthermore, Wood needs to have Earth to grow.

The Prince's chart has rampant water and prosperous wood. That makes the Wu earth on the Year Pillar favorable. The only missing element is Fire, now that he's going through the LPs of Fire, it is his time. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

BaZi: SMTH 倒冲禄 - DaoChongLu Inverted clash of Prosperity (Lu)


When Hurting Officer is the month EB, within, there is Inverted clash of Prosperity (Officer) and Horse, it's favorable and unfavorable are the same as Flying Sky (another special structure), only when it's in the hour it is not analyzed as such.


There are only 2 days with this structure:


Bing Wu and Ding Si, The summer days where they are purely Yang,


Bing uses Gui water as Officer, there must be many Wu EB within the pillars so that it is strong, then it clashes out Gui water within Zi, and Bing DM attains its Officer star;


Ding uses Ren water as Officer, there must be many Si EB within the pillars so that it is strong, then it clashes out Ren water within Hai, and Ding DM attains its Officer star.


Furthermore, if there is Chou, Yin, or Shen, Chen, Mao and Wei, but only with one of them combined with the Officer horse is regarded as wonderful, many and then it misses.


Ren Wu day fears Wei (EB)


Ding Si day fears Shen or Chen and the likes, as they entangle (with Si)


Then Si and Wu will be inclined to combine, and that would prevent them to clash out the Prosperity within Zi and Hai, if within the pillars are Hai, Ren or Zi and Gui with Devil and Officer prominently exposed, then the marks are reduced, so is the Luck Pillars.

Update, second part:

Also it is said: Bing Wu, Ding Si is not analyzed as Combining Lu, only it does not like being entangled.

Year and Month clashing together is better.

If it is only on the day, while absent on the month, then it cannot clash out the Lu and be taken as noble.

If it is not on the day, but it is on the Month and Hour, it can also be used.

But Bing Wu is Ren (YangRen), although it is noble, it eventually is inauspicious.

Once it sees combining Ren, then it is an inauspicious Life.

If Month Command is Hai Zi,  Officer or 7K combining structure, or if Officer and 7K protrudes, with prosperous or apparent Qi, then it should be analyzed as Combining 7K structure which is greatly noble, it cannot be analyzed solely as the Day YangRen, and it cannot be analyzed as TianShi (Filling the Solid).

If Ding Si day sees Xin Hai hour, or if there's already Si and Hai in the pillars, it does not disturb the structure.

As Ding is born in the fourth month, Si is prosperous, Hai has no Qi, on the 3rd month it is also used.

Favors going through Water LP, seeing Fire is blessing, only Si fire is beneficial, the others are not. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Classical Poem - The Lute Song by Cao Zhi

The Lute Song

The banquet has been readied in the hall
To entertain my kith and kin and all.
A festive banquet busies the kitchen house,
With cocks killing and boiling sheep and cows.

The Zheng music excites a frenzied wildness;
The Se music soothes the gentle mildness.
How the dancers dance with pretty poise;
How the singers sing with a tender voice.

In high spirits the guests begin to wine;
In good appetite the guests begin to dine.
I give the guests lots of gold when they part;
They wish me a long life for my good heart.

They say that they take me as an eternal friend
And otherwise they'll come to no good end.
I say that I'm just doing what I can
And I'll not ask favor from any man.

With sudden gales, the sun goes past its best;
With time and tide, the sun runs to the west.
The prime of life will by no means return;
The flight of time is my foremost concern.

Today we seek great pleasure in the hall;
Soon we'll be like the leaves that shrink and fall.
Whoever in the world will never die?
Why should I worry? Why should I?







Friday, November 14, 2014

BaZi: A brief introduction to the 10 gods

In the classical books, the 10 Gods are divided into 2 groups.

The first group is benevolent Gods. They are

1. 正官 ZhengGuan - Literally the True Officer, or commonly known as Direct Officer. DO is the leader of the 10 Gods. If a chart is of DO structure, DO must be protected at all costs, DO must not be injured, clashed, harmed, punished etc. DO must not see 7K, under normal circumstanes.

In ancient times, DO denotes one's position in society, authority, nobility and salary.

2. 正财 and 偏财 - ZhengCai and PianCai - Literally 'True Wealth' /and 'Unconventional Wealth' , or commonly called Direct Wealth and Indirect Wealth, is often considered second to Direct Officer. Wealth is one element that disregard polarity. Somehow Indirect Wealth is considered the more powerful of the 2. However they are different in subtle ways.

Wealth represents.... Wife, Wealth and properties, things that belong to you.

3. 食神 ShiShen, literally Food God or commonly known as Eating God, is a powerful benevolent deity. As it is the 'offspring of the DM' it acts to protect the DM and brings Wealth to the DM. A powerful Food God is just as auspicious as Wealth and Officer.

Food represents - Food and Clothing, longevity, to have offspring, carefree, blessings.

4. 正印 ZhengYin, literally the True Seal, or most commonly known as Direct Resource, is another benevolent deity. Seals are marked of authority back in ancient China, it's a personal stamp used by the court officers, without a Seal, the Officer cannot prove his authority. It's often associated with 秀气,the Qi of elegance.

Seals represents intelligence, wisdom, compassion, kindness, health, integrity, protection and together with Direct Officer, it denotes high authority.

So, these deities represent the things we need and desire in life.

DM -- > Food --> Wealth --> Status / Power --> Elegance, Higher Power and Protection.

The other group is made of malevolent gods:

1. 七杀, 7th Killing or originally 七煞 7th Devil, (or malevolent spirit) so named as it is the 7th deity, for example, Geng is the 7th HS after Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding etc. In classical texts, it is mostly referred to as 煞 Devil (or malevolent spirit). 7K is the most dangerous of the malevolent deities and it functions to counter DM. Emphasis is placed on 7K before the analysis of Useful God.

7K can be turned to become auspicious with the presence of Food or Seal, its benevolent form is named 偏官, Untrue Officer or unconventional Officer, commonly known as Indirect Officer, which functions are the same as Direct Officer but signify the 武 'martial' ways, as opposed to Direct Officer which signify the 文 'scholar' ways.

7K represents calamity, injuries, misfortune, malevolence, disrespect, lawlessness.

2. 伤官 ShangGuan, Literally Injuring Officer or Hurting Officer, is named so as it injures or hurts the Direct Officer star, it is the 7K of the Direct Officer star. Although HO is often regarded as a malevolent spirit, it is also the offspring of DM, so it belongs to the DM and it works to generate Wealth for the DM.

Hurting Officer represents intelligence, skills, arts, talents, scholarship, pride, ego, evil thoughts, clumsiness, etc depending on the dynamics.

3. 枭神 XiaoShen, Literally 'Owl God', is commonly known as Indirect Seal. According to the classical texts, Indirect Seal is the benevolent form of the Owl God. The Owl God is so named because it seizes Food, 枭神夺食。 It counters Food (Eating God). As Food is a greatly auspicious deity, the Owl is considered inauspicious. Owl God works to take away one's blessings and lifespan.

It is also called 倒食 DaoShi, Literally 'Pour Away the Food', or 'Disposing Food' due to it's nature to counter Food God.

However, if Food is not used within the chart, the Owl God works as an Indirect Seal. It functions the way Direct Seal does, but unlike Direct Seal which favors weak DM, Indirect Seal favors a strong DM.

Owl God denotes: greed, gluttony, restraint, lack of blessings, short life, loneliness, procrastination, unsuccessful endeavors.

4. 阳刃 YangRen, literally the 'blade of Yang (as in YinYang), is Rob Wealth at its extreme. A deity for only the Yang DM - Jia, Bing, Wu, Geng, Ren. Is traditionally regarded as a malevolent spirit. For example Jia has YangRen in Mao. Mao clashes with the Direct Officer You EB and Yi inside Mao could rob DM's Wealth, also Yi combines with 7K. So YR works to clash the DM's Direct Officer, robs DM's Wealth and save 7K. By countering all the benevolent deities saving the bad deity, YR is considered extremely inauspicious.

Although malevolent by nature, YangRen could turn auspicious under certain circumstances.

YangRen denotes: strong-willed, high ambitions, cruelty, violence, chronic illness etc.

The malevolent deities can become auspicious when they are 'used' properly, 'use' means having the right dynamics among the deities. Please refer to the Useful God chapters for more information.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Is my Daymaster strong or weak?

While I was wandering around the web looking for information regarding the concept of 进退 (advancing and retreating), I stumbled across a blog of a traditional ZiPing practitioner, Mr Wang XiangShan 王相山先生. He wrote something that tickles my sense of humor. So I thought I'd translate his article into English. Unfortunately, my translation is not as funny as the original mandarin article (due to my limited command of English). But, I think I have more or less managed to translate the message of the original article.

IMO, the criticism is directed at other Chinese BaZi practitioners, as they supposedly understand Chinese and have access to the information contains in literature but somehow they disregard literature and made some theories up on their own.

Original source: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_63d1d9ea0102v2jo.html

Strong and Weak, is a bone stuck in the throat of Knowledge of Life (BaZi)

"Is my DayMaster Strong or Weak?" That is a very commonly asked question.

Common people are like that, many BaZi Masters have also gone crazy with the concept of Strong and Weak

Master Zhang says it's strong, Master Li says it's weak.

The same Master, today he says strong, tomorrow he would say weak.

In Taiwan, someone saw this happening, and created a system or software, that gives scores to determine if Daymaster is strong or weak, this software is all over the internet and the creator becomes very famous.

At one time, the method that focuses on the strength of DayMaster is the major force in every corner of the (BaZi) world. But practically, those who learnt that method paid expensive tuition fees. They were hit badly by the concept of 'Strong and Weak' until their noses become green and their faces swollen, only after that they are slowly awakened and they realized that they have been led by 'strong and weak' into the abyss of Knowledge of Life (BaZi). 

Only those who knows little about culture or unable to read the classics, and with that they want to 'have meals at other's expense' and not thinking about learning, would embrace the concept of  'strength of DayMaster' and practice it. That is because it is easy, it's easy to learn and it's within grasp. 

In truth, the orthodox method of analyzing BaZi, is the ancient method, the structural sect. 

In every corner of the (BaZi) world, those who established their own factions, like the blind sect, the orthodox ZiPing, traditional ZiPing, Natural Sect, As-You-Wish Sect, Doors and Door Sect, etc, are actually, when they were researching the ancient methods of structures and have found their own unique viewpoints, established a new Sect.

They think that without having a school or a sect, then one cannot become a teacher and get some reputation, without a school or a sect, one cannot have students and give classes.

Having seen a problem and then establish a Sect, I find it disrespectful of the ancient people (those who created BaZi), the Qi that flows within is restless.

All those true knowledge of BaZi have the classics as their sources, all those structures that were separated out to become a sect, that deviate from the ancient methodical structures, will become a water that has no source, a tree that has no foundation, how could that become a knowledge that is completely self-sufficient?

To leave the classics and establish a Sect would give some kind of satisfaction, that is because the method was invented by ancient people, is a synthesis of an enormous theoretical system. Every BaZi specialists who laboriously researched ZiPing structures, and found unique viewpoints regarding certain aspects are admirable.

But one should not, because of having found certain viewpoints to certain problems, put himself above the ancient people and establish new sects or schools.

On this aspect, I respect more those who studies ZiPing method meticulously without establishing new sects. 

To deviate from what was actually meant by the ancient people and to call that deviation 'true knowledge' will eventually become heresy.

Xuan Xue (mystical knowledge) itself is not a form of public knowledge, thus, from the ancient times until now, most of the knowledge were passed on orally, today, a big part of the knowledge is stuck in the form of 'odes', some of the odes are incorrectly interpreted, so the knowledge that is learnt today, ineluctably, is flawed.

Exactly, the classical Ode, WuYanDuBu contains surprisingly huge amount of true knowledge that awaits the 'after people' (new generations) to come to understand.

Monday, November 3, 2014

BaZi: Royalties - Elizabeth II, Queen of England

chart taken from bazi-calculator.com

This chart has me perplexed for quite some time. I couldn't figure out how a queen could have a chart that is seemingly.... not outstanding.

Geng metal born in the end of spring, water takes command. Also protruding on top of Month EB is Ren Food God.

The strong Food God structure is auspicious, especially when 7K on the Year EB is rightly used. A Food God controlling 7K structure. However, also protruding is DO on the hour HS. This is a sickness that is called 官杀混杂, mixed authority, sickness breaks the structure.

The chart has 2 GuiKang pillars, Geng Chen and Ren Chen. Naturally many people would think that this is a GuiKang chart. Favors metal and earth, dislikes Wealth and Authorities.

This chart has 2 authorities, if this was a GuiKang structure, the chart will be completely broken. It's not possible for the Queen of the Commonwealth to have a broken chart. If this were really the case, I'd throw away all my books and forget all about BaZi.

GuiKang is a special structure that is only considered when a normal structure cannot be established. Special structures are only established after many criteria are put into consideration. These are some very important ground rules that apply to every set of BaZi.

有杀只论杀, 无杀方论用
With 7K, analyze 7K first, without 7K then analyze the Useful God.

When the Month EB has a Useful God, the Month EB is important (should be used)

In this chart, there's 7K on the Year HS and there's Useful God (Food) on Month HS. Hence, this chart cannot be considered as a GuiKang structure.

When I first knew about mixed authorities, the only remedy I know is 官杀混杂要制伏. Mixed authorities has to be restrained. Restrain means having output elements that is strong enough to suppress both the 7K and DO. That is a form of remedy, suppressing 7K is fine, but what about suppressing DO? isn't that inauspicious?

Little did I know back then.

Queen Elizabeth II BaZi chart has a better remedy for the mixed authority problem. The protruding Ren acts as both the cure and the Useful God.

Ren counters away 7K and at the same time saves Direct Officer 去杀留官. (Refer to the previous post). Clearing the structure from a strong sickness. Thus the subject is very noble.

With sickness and remedy it is noble, . (Wu Yan Du Bu)

The chart becomes greatly auspicious.

Update: I forgot to add, after 'Discard Devil and Save Officer', the structure becomes a Direct Officer structure. (refer to previous post)

If there's an entity that can discard DO and save 7K, it should be discussed as Indirect Officer (structure), if there's an entity that can discard 7K and save DO, it should be discussed as Direct Officer (structure). Thus Useful God has changed from Food to Officer. 

Positive Food countering Devil on month and year denotes coming from a powerful family. 7K on year pillar denotes powerful ancestors. Positive officer on hour pillar denotes noble children.

That aside, Geng Chen is also a pillar known as 日德, Day Virtue. which denotes a kind and gentle person.

It took me a few months to figure out how this chart actually works.

PS: I have to say bazi-calculator.com is really a great bazi calculator. It comes with so many charts of famous people. That is so convenient for study.

BaZi: SMTH 官煞去留杂论 'Mixed Authorities' 7K + DO in a chart.

When DO is used in a BaZi chart, 7K is unfavorable. Likewise, when 7K is used in a chart, DO is naturally unfavorable. If DO and 7K are both present in the chart, it's a condition called 官杀混杂 (Officer and Devil mixed). Something I term 'Mixed Authorities'

Mixed Authorities is a form of sickness 病 for a BaZi, thus it requires a remedy '方'.


<XiJiPian> says: For the likes of Mixed Authorities, it could discard Officer and save 7K and it could also get rid of 7K and save Officer.


That is talking about having DO and 7K in a BaZi chart, like seeing DO on Month and seeing 7K on hour, or seeing 7K on Month and seeing DO on hour, or seeing them repeatedly in the four pillars, if there's an entity that can discard DO and save 7K, it should be discussed as Indirect Officer, if there's an entity that can discard 7K and save DO, it should be discussed as Direct Officer.


When looking at the process of discarding and saving, one should see how heavy or light (strong or weak) the DO and 7K are, the ones that protrudes in the HS can be easily discarded, but the one hidden inside Month EB is difficult to be discarded, it requires Hurting Officer or Food God to be many and strong, only that it can be done.


The 5 Yang Daymasters with Food God, it can discard the Devil and save the Officer


The 5 Yang Daymasters with Hurting Officer can discard Officer but cannot save the Devil, unless YangRen is present, with YangRen combined with the Devil, only the Devil can be saved.


For example, a DM Jia,

Jia uses Xin as Officer, Geng as Devil, if Officer is heavy and Devil is light, having on Bing (Food), it would counter Geng metal away and combine with Xin, this is called 'discard Devil and save Officer', it is affectionate and thus noble;


If Devil is heavy and Officer is light, seeing Ding fire Hurting Officer, it would counter away Xin metal, also if Yi YangRen is present, it would combine with Geng, this is called 'Discard the Officer and save the Devil', it is affectionate and thus noble.


The 5 Yin DayMasters with Food God, it can discard Devil but cannot save Officer but the DM itself can save the Officer,


The 5 Yin DayMasters with Hurting Officer, it can discard the Officer and it can also save the Devil.


Like a Yi DayMaster,

With Geng as the Officer and Xin as Devil, if Officer is heavy and Devil is light, having one Ding Food God will counter away Xin Devil, and Yi itself will combine with Geng, this is called 'discard Devil and save Officer, it is affectionate and thus noble;


If Devil is heavy and Officer is light, having one Bing Fire Hurting Officer, it would counter away Geng Metal and combine with Xin Metal, this is called 'Discard Officer and save Devil', it is affectionate and thus noble.


<YuanLiFu> says: Discard Devil and save Officer is analyzed as Noble, discard Officer and save Devil denotes authority.


It is also said: when DO and 7K see each other, to combine 7K would be noble, so it is said.


There are 2 kinds of combining Devil, combination to go and combination to come, combination to come is to discard Officer and save Devil, combination to go is to discard Devil and save Officer

I'll just stop here, the rest of the chapter talks about more or less the same thing.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

BaZi: SMTH - 日贵 Day Noble

Day Noble, Self sits on TianYi (TianYiGuiRen - Heavenly Yi Nobleman)

There are only four days for this structure: Ding You, Ding Hai, Gui Si and Gui Mao, it represents

The Noble Qi gathers around day, and with the assistance from Wealth and Seal, the noble Qi becomes a blessing.

Favors 3 combinations and 6 combinations and the combination between residence and tomb, when luck goes to prosper Nobleman or Wealth, one can become rich.

Greatly unfavorable is Punishment, clash, harm and breakage, when Luck sees the more of those is unfavorable, seeing TaiSui, and also GuiKang, it represents poverty or short life.

If the chart can be established as other structure, this structure will not be established.

Day Noble has to be separated to day and night, those born in the morning want Gui Mao and Ding Hai, those born at night want Gui Si and Ding You, Day and night are not altogether regarded as getting the Form.

Nobleman, is the way to call a person of peace and harmony, a name for the moral and respectable, seeing Wealth, Officer, Seal and Food is auspicious, until Devil, Blade, clash and punishment is inauspicious. With Luck seeing GuiKang, the harm is not little.

The old song says: The day of birth with HS sitting of Noble, seeing GuiKang the blessing is not complete, seeing Yue (DeGuiRen) or Lu on Year is not favorable, seeing Day Noble repeatedly is wonder upon wonders.

Also: Day virtue (another special structure) and Day noble denote kindness, seeing Wealth, Officer and Seal denotes blessing and glory, seeing punishment, clash, devil or blade would in turn become very inauspicious.

Also: Gui arriving on Snake and Rabbit is outstanding, Ding facing Pig and Rooster is analyzed similarly, greatly unfavorable is GuiKang,  day and night - it is separated, (it) has to be careful of punishment and harm because (one) loses his (social) status.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

BaZi: An Early Classic - 四言独步 SYDB Four Words Invincible Steps Part 8

I spent 2 hours labeling all the posts! Hopefully, visitors would find the blog a little more organized than before.

SYDB says:

Officer and 7K are seen repeatedly, control and suppression will attain success; if it goes to DiWang, seeing that is not inauspicious.

The thing with the Officers is that they want to be alone. DO together with 7K is generally considered a sickness.

SYDB states that when DO and 7K are mixed, there should be suppression. For example a Jia wood with Geng 7K and Xin DO in the chart favors Fire.

When the LP goes to DiWang (YangRen for the Yang DM), it should not be analyzed as inauspicious. That is because mixed authorities favor strong DM.

More information about mixed authorities is in this post

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

BaZi: YHZP Accidents and Injuries

This is taken from the same chapter as the Illness chapter in YHZP

Metal represents knife, blade or punishments injury

Water is death caused by drowning

Wood is hanging oneself from the ridge pole, eaten by tigers or angered snakes

Fire is inverted night sleep, snake injury or being burned

Earth is land fall or crushed by rocks, mud trap or fallen walls

BaZi: YHZP - 疾病 Disease or Illness

YHZP states that the human body is made of the Internal and the External:

The internal called ZhangFu 脏腑: which is made of
  • 心、肝、脾、肺、肾为五脏,
  • Heart, Liver, Spleen, Lungs and Kidneys as the 5 Zang
  • 胃、胆、三焦、膀胱、大肠、小肠为六腑
  • Stomach, Gallbladder, Triple warmer, Prostrate, Large Intestines, Small Intestines as the 6 Fu

The external called ZiTi『肢体』which are the limbs and trunks.

The Stem and Branches of BaZi, with the principles of Engendering and Countering, take that is heavily wounded to be analyzed; when the five elements are overly prosperous or inadequate, they are all regarded as sickness.

For the Internal Organs, the representations of the HS are as below:


Jia - Liver
Yi - Gallbladder
Bing - Small intestines
Ding - Heart
Wu - Stomach
Ji - Spleen
Geng - Large Intestines
Xin - Lungs
Ren - Prostrate
Gui - Kidneys

For the External limbs, the representations are:

Jia - Head
Yi - Forehead
Bing - Shoulders
Ding - Heart (Chest)
Wu - Laterals (from armpits to ribs)
Ji - Abdomen
Geng - Bellybutton (possibly upper abs and lower abs)
Xin - Buttocks / Thighs
Ren - Calves
Gui - Feet

As for the EBs, the representations are:


Zi - Hernia?
Chou - Abdomen
Yin - Arms
Mao - Eyes and Hands
Chen - Back and Chest
Si - Face and Teeth
Wu - Heart and Abdomen
Si - Spleen and abdomen
Shen - Cough related illness
You - Liver and Lungs
Xu - Back and Lungs
Hai - Head and Liver

Now this part is something that I don't understand.

Kidneys are connected through the eyes,

Gallbladder stores the soul 魂,
Liver stores vigor 魄,
Kidneys stores essence 精,
Heart stores spirit 神
Spleen stores Qi 气.

Other part of the text is too complicated for me to translate, it requires some knowledge in TCM which I do not have.

May TCM practitioners find this helpful.

Monday, October 27, 2014

BaZi: DTS 顺逆 Forward (Follow) and Reverse

Wanting to clear the ignorance of people, the mechanism of forward and reverse must be understood and known.

I interpret this verse differently from the original annotation and RTQ annotation.

顺 - Forward

To me, in this context it refers to 顺用, the way the benevolent gods should be used. Officer, Wealth, Food and Seal; they should either be engendered or protected for a good structure to be established.

In general, Forward (or Follow) Use according to ZPZQ is like this:

Officer likes to be engendered by Wealth and protected by Seal

Wealth likes to be engendered by the Outputs and protected by Officer

Seal likes to be engendered by the Authorities and protected by the Parallels.

Food likes to be engendered by the parallels and protected by Wealth

逆 - Reverse

Most possibly refers to 逆用,the way the malevolent gods should be used. Hurting Officer, 7 Killing, YangRen and the Owl. These are used in specified ways.

Hurting Officer likes to be countered by Seal or transformed to Wealth

7K likes to be countered by Food or transformed to Seal

YR likes to be combined with 7K or countered by Officer

Owl likes to be countered by Wealth

That is when the gods are being used. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

BaZi: DTS 精神 Essence and Spirit - on the subject of Balance

DTS says:

Men has essence and spirit, it cannot be seek (to be strong) only from one side, it must be damaged (reduced) or supported to attain moderation.

Men in this context most probably refers to the entity that participates in the dynamics of the chart i.e the 10 Gods. I'd probably think this is the Useful Gods - Officer, Wealth, Seal, Food, Hurting Officer, Devil, Blade or the Owl. Depending on how the Gods are being used.

As there are only 4 pillars in BaZi, the influences of the Gods are mostly imbalance, one of the deities might be more influential than the others.

Take an Officer structure for example: An Officer structure favors a strong Officer. However, an overly strong Officer often comes with a weak DM. In this case, the presence of Wealth star might not be as helpful as the presence of Seal. As Seal supports DM and simultaneously reduce the strength of the Officer, whereas Wealth star will further strengthen the Officer without helping the DM. Although it is known that an Officer + Wealth structure is superior than an Officer + Seal structure, due to the concept of Balance, Seal is the preferred Minister God for a weak DM.

On the other hand, if the Officer structure comes with a strong DM, Wealth star is preferred to Seal, as Seal will weaken the Officer and further strengthen the already strong DM.

Nevertheless, the presence of the trio Wealth, Officer and Seal is always the more auspicious structure than the other 2 structures described above.

Remember that Balance in BaZi does not mean all five elements have to be equally strong. The Officer structure will never want to see the outputs.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

BaZi: ZPSYJY - Year, Month, Day and Hour pillars and the period of life

Lately, I've been studying a book written in Ming dynasty called  子平四言集腋 (ZiPing SiYan JiYe), where all the information are written into four words sentences. It's very similar to SYDB but it explains a lot more than that cryptic poem. Still it is a very strange book.

This excerpt is taken from that over 500 years old book.

年月主初, 共年廿五, 气未大舒, 日为中限, 二十五年, 时为末限, 五十年全

Year and Month represents the Early (time of life), a total of 25 years (old), where the Qi is yet greatly unfold, Day as the middle boundary, 25 years (of age), Hour as the eventual boundary, a complete of 50 years (old)

In summary,

Year + Month pillar -- Below 25 years old --- known as early boundary 初限
Day Pillar -- Between 25 to 50 years old --  as middle boundary 中限
Hour Pillar -- Above 50 years old -- as eventual (final) boundary 末限

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Bazi : Royalties - Prince William, Duke Of Cambridge

Image taken from bazi-calculator.com

Yi DM born in the mid of Summer with Bing protruding on the Month and Hour HS. Wu and Xu form a partial Fire frame, strengthening the Fire on the HS.

This is a very distinct Hurting Officer structure.

The protruding Ren is extremely auspicious in the Year Pillar (which also denotes ancestors). Ren Direct Seal counters the two Hurting Officers Bing, giving the chart the structure 伤官佩印  ShangGuanPeiYin (SGPY) - Hurting Officer adorns with Seal.

According to the old books, a high grade SGPY structure has the following criteria.

1. 伤官旺 - Prosperous Hurting Officer
Hurting Officer is undoubtedly strong in  Prince William's chart, Fire being in DiWang stage in the middle of summer and supported by partial Fire frame.

2. 印根深 - Strongly Rooted Seal
Seal Ren is strongly rooted in Hai, which is the LinGuan stage.

3. 身稍弱 - Self is a little weak
Self is a little weak, the only supporting Qi is from the day EB, which is the ChangSheng stage for Wood.

Apparently, this chart meets all three criteria that makes it a very high grade SGPY structure.

What is more wondrous, is that the Yi wood is being born in Summer and meets water. This is termed 夏木逢润, Summer wood seeing water (to nourish).

Summer wood being nourished by water, its elegance is a hundred-times fold, that is why it is a first class noble.

A SGPY structure dislikes Wealth, favors Authority and Seal. Outputs LPs are neutral. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

BaZi: An Early Classic - 四言独步 SYDB Four Words Invincible Steps Part 7


Analyze in detail each structure, 7K should be regarded as (most) important, transform 7K into authority, why worry about damaging the (Use)ful god.

A set  of BaZi can have more than 1 structure. It can have 2 structures, 3 structure or even 4 structures. The more structure it has, the less clear it is. A good grade Bazi must be clear '清'. 

As 杂论 ZaLun says:


One structure or two structures, if not high ministers then should be ministers;
Three structures or four structures, Wealth and Officer are not pure,  If not LiZu (the guards at the courtroom) then mostly is commoner.

In case of a chart having more than 1 structures, and one of the structures is 7K, 7K should be analyzed first, as it is the most important.

 'Transform 7K into authority' refers to using 7K in the correct way, for example to use Food to control 7K, or Seal to transform 7K or YR to withstand 7K. 

When the 7K star is correctly used. It really does not matter what happen to the Useful God of the Month EB.

YHZP says: 官杀混杂要制伏 

Officer and Devil mixed has to be control and restrained.

As we know Officer cannot be restrained. That results in a broken structure. But in this case, 7K has to be restrained and accordingly, Officer is disregarded.

Another famous saying with the similar meaning is a phrase in 五言独步 WuYanDuBu


If there is Devil, Devil should be discussed first. If there is no Devil, the Use(ful) God can be discussed.;
When the Devil star is gotten rid of, it does not fear the heaviness of the outline (Month EB)

We always say that the outline (Month EB) is heavy 提纲有用提纲重.

That is to emphasize the importance of Month Commander i.e YueLing and how chart structures and Useful Gods should be derived from the Month EB. Everything else should be disregarded when Useful Gods reside in the month EB. But in the case of 7K, month EB should be secondary although it is heavy.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

BaZi: An Early Classic - 四言独步 SYDB Four Words Invincible Steps Part 6

ShiErDaBai, The ten evil of great defeat, is very unfavorable to the structure; however if it meets Wealth and Officer, it becomes rich and noble.

Shi Er Da Bai are the 10 days where the 十干禄 Shi Gan Lu have fallen into 空亡 Kong Wang.

The 10 days are:

Jia Chen
Yi Si
Bing Shen
Ding Hai
Wu Xu
Ji Chou
Geng Chen
Xin Si
Ren Shen
Gui Hai

Having the 10 Evil does not necessarily mean inauspicious luck. If the chart has Wealth and Officer, and if they are usable, strong and affectionate. One can also become rich and noble. 

The 10 days that transform

I came across a little piece of information in YHZP a few days ago when I was researching about Transformation Structure.

This is quoted from 杂论口诀 in YHZP

Transformation, there are 10 days:

Jia Shen
Yi You
Geng Yin
Xin Mao
Ren Wu
Gui Wei
Bing Zi
Ding Chou
Wu Wu
Ji Chou

Even the BaZi is not under any structure (common), Fortune still is over-flowing

There are other Qi of blessings, virtues and elegance, each with its own heaven, earth, deities and spirits

This means transformation structure has its own set of rules that is different from the common structures

For transformation structure, real transformation, one become duke or high ministers; fake transformation, one is an orphan or carry a different surname (like adopted child)

Don't forget DTS says: 孤儿异姓能出类, orphans or adopted children can be outstanding.

Which means a fake transformation structure can also be successful like true transformation structure.

Seeing dragon will change (transform), flying dragon in the sky, easy to see virtuous men.

This sentence is YiJing, some people interpret this as a good time to act. Though I am not entirely sure what it means. I think that when a transformation or fake transformation structure sees the EB Chen, transformation structure becomes auspicious. It is a good time to act for improvement. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

BaZi: SMTH - 化象 Transformation Image (化气格 Transformation Qi Structure)

This excerpt is taken from a classical text: 

Shen Qu Ba Fa

化 象
Transformation Image

Transformation Image, is like a Jia Ji born person, in the month of Chen Xu Chou or Wei, having a Ji on the HS to combine with Jia, it's called Jia Ji transformation to Earth

Favors going through Fire LP

If Jia wood is born in ChangSheng or DiWang, then the transformation will not be successful, that is inauspicious, if there is one Ji between one Jia, it is called competing combination, if there's a Yi exposed, it is called jealousy combination, they are broken and unsuccessful structures.

Also: Transformation means it the pairing of Yin and Yang that transforms. That is Heaven and Earth equates, five elements are matching. 

The classics says: "For Transformation, Internal and Follower Structure, when the Luck turns to be successful, one could be appointed to be someone close to the emperor"

"又曰:"化象伏而平生碌碌, "謂干支相停者化,是看日時合化不合化。
Also: Transformation Qi that 'submits', one's life will be mediocre. It is said that when Stems and Branches are equal transformation happens, it is to be seen whether Day and Hour combine and transform or combine but do not transform.

Yu Jing says: " The five Qi have transformation image, it must be pure and clean, transformed or inverted, there's noble and there's lowly, transform but does not transform, could be long-lived or short-lived.

"通玄論云: "乙旺庚從,庚旺乙從。日主無氣化有氣,方可用。若各無氣,不可用,如丁壬化木,生於春,則夫從妻生;生於冬,則妻從夫生,是謂化也。
Tong Xuan Lun says: "When Yi is prosperous, Geng will follow. The DM without Qi will transform to be with Qi, then only it is usable. If each are without Qi, they are both unusable. like Ding Ren transforming to wood, born in spring, the husband will follow his wife to engender; born in winter, the wife will follow her husband to engender, this is called transformation.


Wu    Gui    Jia     Jia
Wu    Si      Yin     Xu

Wu and Gui transforms to Fire, ChangSheng in the month of Yin, LinGuan in the month of Si and DiWang at Wu, this transformation structure obtains the time and the place. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

BaZi: An Early Classic - 四言独步 SYDB Four Words Invincible Steps Part 5

Ten stems transformation god, with shadow without form; within 'nothing' something is engendered, blessings and fortunes are difficult to be proven.

It seems to me that the verse talks about Transformation Qi structure, also it could be talking about two different type of structures.

Anyway, in this post I can only discuss about the first phrase in the verse. The second verse is cryptic and I have no idea what it's talking about at all.

十干化神 Ten stems transformation god in my opinion refers to the transformation Qi structures (or in DTS term - the transformation image 化象), like Jia + Ji transformation to earth, Bing + Xin transformation to water, Wu + Gui transformation to fire, Geng + Yi to metal and Ren + Ding to wood.

DTS states:

化得真者只论化, 化神还有几般话
One that truly transforms is discussed only as transformation, still, the transformation god has many types of sayings. 

This DTS verse probably has two meanings:

1. That there are many types of transformation structure - there are transformation that is true, fake and follow.
2. That the transformation structure behaves in ways, that were never explained by the DTS original text. 

The commentary in DTS on this verse states that when Jia and Ji transforms to earth, the intensity of the earth should be analyzed. If earth is too strong, then it needs water as Wealth, wood as Officer and Metal as Food. That when it meets Jia or Yi in the LP or AP, it should not be regarded as 'rivalry' or 'jealousy' combination, instead it should be regarded as the 'idle god'. 

I think this commentary contradicts itself. When earth is strong, does it not need wood as Officer? how can wood become an idle god for a strong earth transformation god?

DTS also states the following on the subject of 'fake transformation'

Many people who are 'fake transformation' are also noble, orphans or people with different surname can also be outstanding.

This verse indicates that fake transformation structure can also be noble structures, but people with fake transformation structure usually have difficult young age. 

'Transformation' of the DM is often regarded as a form of 'image' 象. A stem has 2 images i.e the original image and the transformed image. For example, Jia original image is wood and transformed image is earth, Bing original image is fire and transformed image is water etc.

When the DM sees its pairing (like Jia seeing Ji) among the stems, it has a tendency to transform. Transformation is then analyzed on the basis of how 'True' it is, then the structure is classified as 'true transformation' 真化 or 'fake transformation' 假化, probably for the sake of simplicity. I believe that transformation is continuum, rather than absolute.

A poem in SMTH 巫咸撮要 WuXianCuoYao, briefly discuss about transformation structure.

Also when the transformation structure manages to become image, it must be distinguished as weak, prosperous or equal

It is good that within the combination and matching, one knows the way where it comes and goes

Metal extincts and northern Gen, fire extinguished at western Qian, wood falls at southern Kun it has no shape, when water arrives at eastern Xun it has no place.

That is when all Yang stems die, when it meet its pairing, it joins,

if the wive hides, hopefully it is seen in the structure

and it can be decided that Yin (of Yin and Yang) is birthed at the four cardinals (Mao, Wu, You and Zi), that when it is prosperous (supported by season), one is noble and his family glorious. When it is dead, extinct, entombed, injuring others, injuring the stems, that is regarded as especially insufficient.

When the transformation Qi is not broken, eight or nine out of ten (people with the structure) are prominently noble.

When the transformation Qi lost its frame or is injured, there would be no more than two or three people out of 100 who are prominent and glorious.

The highest (of status) and most noble of people, resides in prosperity places of three individuals, they must be mutually assisting. 

The lowliest and poorest of people, resides at declining places, it is difficult to find a structure within the four pillars.

The origin of image lies within the earthly branches, the matching and combination within the heavenly stems

The image that is successfully created, prosperous and is used, are all engendered within fire and earth. If there is no injury within the four pillars, one is placed high in the imperial court

In my opinion, the truest transformation happens under these conditions:
1. Transformation god has the command of the month
2. Transformation god has the support of a frame
3. Transformation god meets the dragon (EB Chen)
4. Transformation god protrudes in heaven

In most cases, all these 4 criteria are not met, it is up to the reader to decide if the transformation is true or fake, and then decide which deities would be favorable to the chart. 

There is no definitive guidelines to do this, there is no sufficient information regarding transformation structure available in literature (AFAIK) to help us to do this correctly and SYDB acknowledges this difficulty.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Long absence

Dear readers,

I have been busy working and little time to be on cyberspace, I will take some time off from BaZi research and translating the texts.

Wish everyone a belated Happy Chinese New Year!

Friday, January 17, 2014

BaZi: 月令 Month command

Yue Ling

The term YueLing 月令 is made of 2 words, Yue 月 which means month and Ling 令, which means command. Historically, YueLing refers to the different proceedings of the government for different months through the year. Such was recorded in 礼记,The book of rites written around 200 BC. 令 'command' refers to the command from the government to the pheasants to carry out certain activities such as sowing, harvesting, repairing castle wall etc etc.

In Bazi, YueLing refers to the month commander, the entity that takes charge during a certain period of the month. There are 12 months in Bazi, beginning with Yin, which also marks the beginning of spring to Chou, which marks the end of the year. From Yin to Chou, the Yin and Yang of the 5 elements take turns in ruling the month.

SMTH writes:

The ones that are light and pure are the 10 stems, they represent 'fortune', named as Heavenly Origin

The ones that are heavy and mixed are the 12 branches, they represent 'body', named as Earthly Origin

The ones that reside and work between heaven and earth are human.

Thus, the ones stored inside the branches are called Human Origin, its name is the God that takes charge, from the art of life perspective, the name is Month Command.

Solar Terms

To understand the concept of YueLing, knowledge about the 24 Solar Terms is necessary. Solar Terms were used by the ancient Chinese to mark certain astronomical or natural event that happens through the year. A year is divided into 4 seasons 季,each season is divided into 6 terms 节 and each term is further divided into 3 pentads 候。Briefly, there are 4 seasons, 24 terms and 72 pentads in a year.

The table below shows the name of the 24 solar terms and the date they happen. (from wikipedia)

name ¹
name ²
Date ³Remark
315°start of spring立春
입춘 (立春)
Lập xuânFeb 4
330°rain water雨水
우수 (雨水)
Vũ thủyFeb 19more rain than snow
345°awakening of insects驚蟄 (惊蛰)
경칩 (驚蟄)
Kinh trậpMar 6lit. awakening of hibernating insects. See the note at Chinese calendar#Solar term.
vernal equinox春分
춘분 (春分)
Xuân phânMar 21lit. spring division (or center)
15°clear and bright清明
청명 (清明)
Thanh minhApr 5time for tending graves
30°grain rain穀雨 (谷雨)
곡우 (穀雨)
Cốc vũApr 20lit. grain rain: rain helps grain grow
45°start of summer立夏
입하 (立夏)
Lập hạMay 6
60°grain full小滿 (小满)
소만 (小滿)
Tiểu mãnMay 21grains are plump
75°grain in ear芒種 (芒种)
망종 (芒種)
Mang chủngJun 6lit. awns (beard of grain) grow
90°summer solstice夏至
하지 (夏至)
Hạ chíJun 21lit. summer extreme (of sun's height)
105°minor heat小暑
소서 (小暑)
Tiểu thửJul 7
120°major heat大暑
대서 (大暑)
Đại thửJul 23
135°start of autumn立秋
입추 (立秋)
Lập thuAug 8
150°limit of heat處暑 (处暑)
처서 (處暑)
Xử thửAug 23lit. dwell in heat
165°white dew白露
백로 (白露)
Bạch lộSep 8condensed moisture makes dew white
180°autumnal equinox秋分
추분 (秋分)
Thu phânSep 23lit. autumn division (or center)
195°cold dew寒露
한로 (寒露)
Hàn lộOct 8
210°frost descent霜降
상강 (霜降)
Sương giángOct 23appearance of frost and descent of temperature
225°start of winter立冬
입동 (立冬)
Lập đôngNov 7
240°minor snow小雪
소설 (小雪)
Tiểu tuyếtNov 22
255°major snow大雪
대설 (大雪)
Đại tuyếtDec 7
270°winter solstice冬至
동지 (冬至)
Đông chíDec 22lit. winter extreme (of sun's height)
285°minor cold小寒
소한 (小寒)
Tiểu hànJan 6
300°major cold大寒
대한 (大寒)
Đại hànJan 20

From the beginning of spring 立春 to the great cold 大寒。Each of the solar terms has about 15 days more or less. Due to the speed of the earth along the ecliptic (黄道)varies depending on its distance from the sun (because of Earth's orbital eccentricity), some solar terms are longer than the others.

Solar Term and Month Command.

Month command is determined by the day in the Solar Terms when a person is born. This poem from YHZP tells which element has the command by referring to the Solar Terms.

Lichun, twenty three Bing fire is used, the rest of the days Jia wood is prosperous and the key factor.

Jing Zhe, Yi wood yet to take command, ChunFen, Yi wood is rightly taking charge.

QingMing, Yi wood takes charge for 10 days, after that Gui water becomes ocean for 8 days; GuYu first three Wu earth is prosperous, the things inside the prosperous has to be analyzed.

LiXia, again is taken by Wu earth; XiaoMan after Wu (horse) Bing fire shines.

MangZhong, Ji earth is really good, stops at the middle 7 days earth rises and expands; XiaZhi is when Yin is born and Yang is at its extreme, Bing and Ding fire are prosperous and earth expands.

XiaoShu, ten days Ding fire is prosperous, after that for 3 days Yi wood is frangrant, Ji earth for 3 days is impressively prosperous; DaShu Ji earth is 10 days yellow.

LiQiu, 10 days Ren water rises; ChuShu, 15 Geng metal is good.

BaiLu, 7 days Geng metal prospers, 8 days Xin only walks alone.

HanLu, 7 days Xin metal take charge, 8 days Ding fire and water surrenders; ShuangJiang, Ji earth fifteen days, the mixed Qi inside might as well be taken.

LiDong 7 days Gui water prospers, Ren water 8 days gets busy flowing; XiaoXue 7 days Ren water is in hurry, 8 days Jia becomes fragrant again.

DaXue 7 days Ren water takes charge; DongZhi Gui water's sounds of flowing accumulate.

XiaoHan 7 days Gui water nourishes, 8 days Xin metal is stored inside storage; DaHan 10 days Ji earth wins, those who practice the art should research in great detail.

There are other versions of this poem. I do not know how they are derived and which is more accurate. At the moment I'm using this YHZP version and it seems pretty accurate to me.

Transformation and change of month command

In Bazi, one should know that HS and EB are made of Qi, Heaven has a focused Qi that is moving 动 and EB is majorly mixed Qi which are still (stationary) 静. When the Qi moves, it takes precedence over 'still' Qi. There are 2 ways for month EB Qi to move.

1. Protrudes in Heaven.
2. Interaction between the branches.

If there are 2 moving Qi from a particular Month EB, one chart will have 2 Commanders. Whether this is auspicious or not will be analyzed from the basics of Follow Use  顺用  or Against Use 逆用.

When there's no change or transformation involved, the original commander dictates by the solar terms remains the commander.

Month command is the YongShen

The final month commander (after transformation or the original) is the YongShen 用神 (refer ZPZQ), which is an abbreviation of the term 用事之神 YongShiZhiShen (refer DTS)  - The God that takes command. The literal translation by modern English bazi 'Masters' - Useful God is misleading because it does not reflect the true identity of this entity.

However, according to the theories in ZPZQPZ written by Master Xu LeWu who distorted Master Shen XiaoZan works - ZPZQ, YongShen is defined as the most needed entity in a chart. Master Xu's works  then give rise to contemporary / modern Bazi which deviates quite a distance from the classics (in my opinion), especially on subject of YongShen.

The use of Month Command, aka YongShen

BaZi is made of layers, each of the layers is analyzed according to the concept of TiYong 体用 - Form and Use.

The first layer takes DM as the Form, and month commander as Use.

The second layer takes the month commander Ti - Form, and then seek for the Yong - Use, according to the concept of ShunYong 'Follow Use' or NiYong 'Against Use'. and the Minister God could be found and the structure can be established.

The third layer takes the structure that is made of DM, Month command and Minister God as Form, other entities in the chart to use.

The fourth layer takes the chart as a whole as the Form, DaYun etc as Use.

In summary, determining the correct Month command is arguably the most important step in analyzing Bazi, which is why the month command is often called 提纲 - the Key Point in almost all literature. It is the focal point of classical Bazi analysis.

1. SMTH -论人元司事 Discuss Human Origin taking charge
2. DTS -月令 Month Command
3. ZPZQ - A few chapters about Yong Shen
4. SFTK - 静动说 The saying about movement and stillness
5. The book of rites 礼记 - Month Command
6. Wikipedia - Solar Terms
7. YHZP - the poem about month command.
8. DTS - 体用 Form and Use

For those who are interested to read more about YueLing on LiJi, here's the link

Note: Thanks to duesouth for pointing out the correct name - The book of rites.