Tuesday, January 29, 2013

DayMaster 日主

DayMaster 日主

YHZP says:

I have already seen the record in Tang's (dynasty) book, as in Li XuZhong, uses a person birth year, month, day and hour, analyzes the engendering and countering relationships of the stems and branches, to determine the subject's nobility, lowliness, longevity or short-life, and I have gone through in detail.

And as for the Song's (dynasty) period, there's the way of saying by ZiPing, Taken Day Stem as the Master, Year as the root, Month as sprout, Day as flower and Hour as fruit.

With Birth, Prosperity, Death, Extinction, At Rest, Trapped, Control and transformation to decide a person's auspiciousness or inauspiciousness. The principle is natural, no doubt about that!

One is named 'Officer' is separated according to Yin and Yang, named Officer or named Killing, like Jia and Yi seeing Geng and Xin;

Two is named Wealth, separated according to Yin and Yang, named Direct (Conventional) Wealth or Indirect (unconventional) wealth, like Jia and Yi meeting Wu and Ji.

Three is named Engendering Qi of Yin and Yang,named 'Seal (an authority stamp) and the ribbon attached to it, named 'Pouring away food', like Jia and Yi meeting Ren and Gui.

Four is named Stealing Qi of Yin and Yang, is named the 'Food God' named 'Hurting Officer', Jia and Yi meeting Bing and Ding it is.

Five is named the Same Kind of Yin and Yang, is named Rob Wealth, named Yang's blade, Jia and Yi meeting Jia and Yi it is.

Generally, Noble or Lowly, long live or short live, death and birth are not out of these 5.

In case of absurd structures, there's a list of names, they are not really usable, like 飞天禄马, 倒冲, 井栏叉 (these 3 are special structures), are Hurting Officer, only of separate type.

Seeing from this aspect, the rest can be known!

Take the day as the Master, Year as the Base, Month as the Essential or Boundary, Hour as Assistant.

With day as the Master, is important to see if it adds up and arrives to what degree, or is Self prosperous, of is Self weak? and also see the branches have what structure.

Calculation of the five elements, after that look at the element inside the month's decree, which is prosperous? and also look at year and luck, which is prosperous? This should be analyzed in detail after analyzing the day.

This is not a biased or one sided view.

E.g, born in JiaZi day, in four pillars there's Shen, to combine with Zi and Chen to form a water frame, nect is to look at the remain of Chen, what has suffered damage and what has benefited?

In the four pillars, which characters would  damage DayMaster JiaZi's Qi?

If it's damaging the Month's God, it's necessary to be restrained, and not to be supported. 

Those discuss life must not be casual (careless), month's decree must be analyzed in detail; as one dresses when he goes out (meaning it's the logical thing to do).

Sunday, January 27, 2013

地支 EB - Earthly Branches

地支 Earthly Branches EB

EB, unlike HS are mostly made of several elements, it's a popular notion to say Zi is Water, Chou is earth, Yin is wood etc etc, the notion is only partially true. The Qi in heavenly stem is pure e.g Jia is purely wood, Geng is purely metal but the Qi in earthly branches are mixed, except for Zi, Mao and You.

Regarding the polarity of EBs, DTS says:


Zi, Yin, Chen, Wu, Shen and Xu are Yang, it is moving, its intensity is strong, it develops with speed, its auspiciousness and inauspiciousnes will be prominent; Chou, Mao, Si, Wei, You and Hai are Yin, it is still, its Qi focused, it develops without speed, its consequences could been seen after passing years. 

Directions of EB and elements

Table of EB, showing directions of elements

EB is often associated with directions,

Wood - Yin, Mao and Chen reside East, denotes the spring season

Fire - Si, Wu and Wei reside South, denotes summer

Metal - Shen, You and Xu reside West, denotes autumn

Water - Hai, Zi and Chou reside North, denotes winter.

Earth resides in the middle and lodges at four corners 四隅,according to BaGua, the four corners would be Gen, Xun, Qian and Kun. 

Gen 艮 has Chou and Yin, is considered between Winter and Spring
Xun 巽 has Chen and Si, is considered between Spring and Summer
Kun 坤 has Wei and Shen, which is between Summer and Autumn
Qian 乾 has Xu and Hai, which is between Autumn and Winter

Earth represents the last month of every season.

In classical books, undergoing LP is often cited as 'going towards' a certain direction. For example, undergoing LP with water elements is always referred as 'going north', undergoing LP with fire element is 'going south' and so forth.

Earth is directionless, that is why clashes of earths is often regarded as less critical than clashes of other elements.

Earthly Branches and Seasons.

In analyzing a Bazi chart, the month's EB is extremely important as it is also the season when the DM is born.

In the classics, the EB of the month is called 月令,YueLing, which literally translated as 'the month's decree'. The term comes from the calendar system used in ancient China that emphasizes on 4 main seasons; Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, which are further divided into Early 孟,Mid 仲,and Late 季, thus 12 months and 12 EBs.

Yin, Si, Shen and Hai are early season 孟

Mao, Wu, You and Zi are mid season 仲

Chen, Xu Chou and Wei are late season 季

Earthly Branch and Hidden Heavenly Stem

In each EB contains hidden heavenly stems that represent the Qi of the EB.

Zi, Mao and You contain only a single HS within, these are termed as 专气,focused Qi, where the Qi is pure.

The rest of the EBs contain many HS within, they are called 杂气,mixed Qi. Though the term 杂气 mixed Qi is usually used to mean the Qi inside Chen, Xu Chou and Wei.

HS that is contained in the EB is associated with the season and the 12 Qi phase.

The first month, Yin is the season of spring and wood is the most prosperous element in spring. Yin is also the birth (ChangSheng) of Bing and Wu, so Yin contains Jia wood, Bing fire and Wu earth. Why Jia wood and not Yi wood? Because the Yin and Yang cycle starts with Yang and ends with Yin. 

The second month Mao has only Yi wood inside, it's the middle of spring where wood is under DiWang stage, as wood is ruling the month, it's the only element that decrees the Qi in the month.

The third month Chen late spring, earth leads all elements at the end of every season, when earth Qi is dominating, Yi wood Qi is residual, water Qi is in tomb in Chen. So Chen contains Wu earth, Yi wood and Gui water.

The fourth month Si is the beginning of summer, the season of fire, thus Bing fire leads the elements in Si, Si is also the ChangSheng of Geng metal, Si is also in one of the four corners 'Xun' where earth resides, thus Si contains Bing fire, Geng metal, and Wu earth.

The fifth month is the month of Wu, middle of summer, both fire and earth are in DiWang stage, so both rules the month together, thus Wu contains Ding fire and Ji earth. It's arguable that Earth is actually stronger than Fire in Wu month. QLMG thinks Ji earth is stronger but YHZP implies that they are both equally strong.

The sixth month is the end of summer, the month of Wei, so Earth leads the elements. At the end of summer, fire Qi is residual, so fire still remains in the HHS, Wei is also the tomb stage for wood, and such, Wei contains Ji earth, Ding fire and Yi wood.

The seventh month Shen is the beginning of Autumn, the season of metal which is also the birth place of water, and Shen itself is in a corner 'Kun', as earth resides at four coners, Shen has earth inside. So Shen contains Geng metal, Wu earth and Ren water.

The eight month belongs to Xin metal only, as metal is ruling (under DiWang stage) in You.

The ninth month is the end of autumn, the month of Xu, and earth month with residual metal Qi, and fire Qi in storage. Thus Xu contains Wu earth as the leading element, Xin metal as residual Qi and Ding fire as the storage Qi. 

The tenth month is the beginning of Winter, the month of Hai, the season of Water, the birthplace of Wood, Hai is also in one of the four corners Qian, however Since water and wood are both prosperous in Hai, Earth has been rendered useless. Which is why Hai contains only Ren water and Jia wood.

The eleventh month is the mid winter, water is prosperous and ruling the season, so only Gui is contained in Zi month.

The twelfth month  of Chou is an earthly month, as it is the end of Winter, water Qi is residual. Xin metal is in tomb. So Chou contains Ji earth, Gui water as residual and Xin metal in tomb.

As for Earth in Yin, Si, Shen and Hai, some people consider them as residual Qi that remains from the previous earth month. 

Yin has earth which is residual from Chou
Si has earth which is residual from Chen
Shen has earth from Wei
Hai has earth from Xu, though unusable. 

Four corners where earth resides

Earth is born twice in the 12 branches, as Master XLW puts it:

Born close to fire, born in Yin, Lu in Si

Born close to water, born in Shen, Lu in Hai

At Yin and Si, there's Bing fire to support and assist, it's prosperous and usable. 

At Shen and Hai, It's cold, wet, fake and floating, it's energy is weak and not usable, that's why it's often said that Bing and Wu born at Yin, and not said Ren and Wu born at Shen.

Birthplace, prosperous place, dead place, failed place, storage and tomb

Yin, Si, Shen and Hai are four corners, they are all the called the four birthplaces, ChangSheng. (四生地)

Fire and Earth ChangSheng in Yin

Metal ChangSheng in Si
Water ChangSheng in Shen
Wood ChangSheng in Hai

When a Qi has just been birthed, it's fragile though its influence is strong, Clashes are considered inauspicious. They are also called the four 'Lu' 禄 places, Lu simply refers to GuanDai stage of the 12 life stages.'

Mao, Wu, You and Zi are called the four prosperous places 四旺地 which refers to the DiWang stage, 

Wood DiWang in Mao, 
Fire and Earth in Wu
Metal in You
Water in Zi

Also called the four failed places 四败地, which refers to the MuYu stage. 

Fire and Earth failed in Mao 
Metal failed in Wu
Water failed in You
Wood failed in Ren

Also called the four dead places 四死地 which refers to the Si stage of the 12 life stages.

Wood dies at Wu
Fire and Earth die at You
Metal dies at Zi
Water dies at Mao

It's commonly called the four 'cardinal' places in English for reasons unknown to me, I don't think these EBs are related to the Roman Catholic Church in any way.

Chen, Xu, Chou and Wei are called the 4 tomb places 四墓地, or the 4 storage 四库, it represents the Tomb stage of the 12 Qi stages.

Chen stores water, 
Wei stores wood, 
Xu stores fire 
Chou stores metal.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

天干地支 HS / EB - Part 23 HS - YHZP Ren and Gui

Ren Water

Ren water, huge ocean, a combination of hundred rivers, flowing under heaven without boundary.

Stems and branches, accumulating will become drifting, fire and earth, repeated encounter dry its source.

Yang and Tai must be in Wei and Wu, ChangSheng and GuiLu belongs to Qian & Kun

Self is strong and in natal without Wealth and Lu, going west and north would cause one to undergo difficulties since young age.

Gui Water

Gui water should not be the likes of rain and dew, if the root is connected through Hai and Zi, it becomes rivers.

In the pillar without Kun and Kan and self is weak, however many wealth and authorities in the structure will not be too many.

Shen Zi Chen complete becomes an upper structure, Yin Wu Xu complete must be in moderation.

Even if fire and earth born in deep summer, how can the journey to west and north be too much?

天干地支 HS / EB - Part 22 HS - YHZP Geng and Xin

Geng Metal 

Geng Metal is blunt and behaves rather tough. When it's successfully controlled by fire, water land is feared.

Born in summer, east and south is over forged, born in autumn, west and north it's still shinning.

Deep water in turn has to be countered, prosperous wood would cause myself to be injured

Wu and Ji heavy, not meeting clash will cause Geng to be buried.

Implied meaning -
Meeting Ding, water is not good
Born in summer, does not like to meet wood/fire in LP
Born in autumn, likes metal/water in LP
Strong water has to be countered by earth
Strong wood would hurt metal
Strong earth must be clashed so metal will not be buried

Xin Metal 辛金珠玉性通灵,最爱阳和沙水清;
Xin metal as pearls and jades, it connects spirits, loves Yand and sandy water to be clear.

If it's successful, does not need fiery fire to forge, as support, it likes wet clay to engender

Abundant water, prosperous fire, it's beneficial at west and north, water is chilly and metal is cold wants Bing and Ding

Sitting on Lu, connects through its root self is prosperous, does not worry about thick earth  burying itself. 

Implied meaning
Xin metal likes Yang polarity element
Fire is not really necessary for a good structure, 
Like Chen/Chou wet earth to engender
When Fire is strong, water is strong, metal / water becomes auspicious
Metal born in winter needs fire
Does not fear strong earth if self is strong

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

天干地支 HS / EB - Part 21 HS - YHZP Wu and Ji

戊 Wu Earth

Wu Earth is like the castle wall or river banks, to hold rivers and seas its roots have to be heavy.

Meeting combination in the pillar(s)? its shape is still strong, under the day sitting on 'fake' (unsupported) it will collapse.

If its strength is thin, it will not win metals exhaustion, to be successful, it's good to use wood to tilt and let through.

It likes east and south the most, when its prosperous go east and south but when it's lost. middle.

Implied meaning:

In order to contain Water, Wu earth has to be strongly rooted.
Meeting Gui to combine, Wu earth is still strong (as combination fire engenders earth)
Wu Zi pillar is inauspicious
Does not like metal when it's weak, 
To be successful, it needs wood
When it's strong it likes Wood and fire, 
When it's weak it likes Earth. 

Ji Earth

Ji earth as fields and gardens it belongs to the four corners (NE, SE, NW and SW), Kun is deep as it's the base of thousand beings

It's still weak at the place where water and metal are prosperous, it's most marvelous when fire and earth complete the work.

Losing the command, how can it bury swords and lances? gaining the season only it can be used loadstone. 

Prosperous resources with meeting many combinations are fake overestimation, not meeting punishment and clashes it will always not be beneficial

Implied meaning
Ji earth is weak at Chou and Shen, as metal and water exhaust earth. At these places fire and earth are beneficial.
Without support of the season, earth cannot withstand metal, when it's in season it can use metal.
Strong Fire and meeting combination is not really auspicious
Sitting on Si or Wei combination is not beneficial, clashes and punishments are beneficial

天干地支 HS / EB - Part 20 HS - YHZP Bing and Ding

《丙》Bing Fire


Bing fire is bright, as bright as the sun, its origin just and great, it sets WangChang (Wang Chang refers to the 3 Relationships; king and ministers, father and son, husband and wife, and the five virtues)


Its grand light peeps not only thousands of miles, its great flames also reaches to 8 directions.


Coming to this world, it's willing to be the child of floating wood, reincarnate and it does not want to be the mother of wet earth.


Dead water from rivers and lakes could counter / pacify it, it's only afraid of wood that's becoming forests as woe.

Implied meaning:

It's okay to be born by wet wood (wood with a lot of water)
It does not like to engender wet earth (Ji)
Ren 7K is okay for Bing (some think Ren is better than Gui but nowhere in this text indicates that)
It does not like abundant Jia wood. 

《丁》Ding Fire


Ding Fire has the form of candle and lamp, when meeting together with the Sun, the sun takes away its light.


When it is found (in season) it can cast thousands of gold and iron, when it's lost command (not supported by season) it's difficult to melt an inch of gold.


Even though dry wood is little, it can ignite fire, even though wet wood is abundant, it cannot birth fire.


Strong or weak has to be divided to be analyzed, when it's prosperous it's a furnace, when weak it's a candlestick.

Implied meaning.

Strength is very important for Ding
Does not like Bing fire
When strong, metal is useful, when weak metal is not useful
Dry wood is useful when weak, just a small amount is enough
Wet wood cannot generate Ding fire

Friday, January 11, 2013

天干地支 HS / EB - Part 19 HS - YHZP Jia and Yi


Jia wood is the first of the Heavenly stems, originally without twigs, leaves and roots

It desires to exists in heaven and earth thousands years old, planted straight into the sand and clay hundred thousands of feet.

Cut to become ridge pole metal gets to be used, to turn into ashes and charcoals fire as the disaster;

A stupid, natural block of thing really has no use, naturally, letting spring and autumn come
 and go.

Implied meaning:
Both earth are useful for Jia,
In order to be successful, Metal should be used
When fire is too strong, health might have problem
Although seemingly useless, Jia could allow for longevity

《乙》Yi wood

Yi wood has its root planted deep, only benefits from Yang land and not Yin.

Drifting and floating it is afraid of too much meeting with water

Going south fire and flame disaster is not shallow (strong disaster), going west heavy earth calamity is invading. 

Ridge pole is not wood with chained roots, the knowledge to differentiate takes efforts to be studied. 

Implied meaning
Yi likes mostly Yang elements
Too many resources could be lonely or directionless
Too many authorities might injure Yi (health / body)
Too many wealths is not beneficial
To many outputs is not beneficial

Thursday, January 10, 2013

十二长生, The Twelve Qi Stages

十二长生, The Twelve Qi Stages (or Phases)

What is the 12 Qi phase? It's a continuous cycle of Life and Death that applies to the five elements. The elements are very much like human, they are born, they grow, they mature, fall sick, they die and they are buried. These processes happen in a continuous cycle. The earthly branches are the 'time' or 'age' for the 'life' of the elements.

Let's take an ancient Chinese man's life as an analogy (The theory was developed back in those days, so this is the most pertinent analogy I thought possible):

One begins to exist in the mother's womb as a zygote is formed. 胎 Tai - the stage of 'Womb' 

The zygote grows to become embryo and fetus, reared in the mother's womb. 养 Yang - the stage of 'Rear'
After sometime, a baby is born. 长生ChangSheng - the stage of 'Birth' 

The baby is bathed right after it is born and with time it grows to be a toddler. 沐浴 MuYu - the stage of 'Bath' 

The toddler grows fast and becomes a teenager, and he reaches adulthood 冠带 GuanDai - The stage of 'Wearing Hat'. 
The man studies and work, he becomes more capable and stronger, he is ready to become a government officer (back then everyone wanted to be government officers). 临官 LinGuan - the stage of 'Arriving Officer' 

The man rises to prominence, that is the pinnacle of achievement in his life. The time when he is strongest as he could be, he is appointed as the emperor's assistant. 帝旺 Di Wang - The stage of 'Imperial Prosperity' 
The man's health becomes weaker, his capability wanes. 衰 Shuai - the stage of 'Waning' 
As his health become weaker and weaker, he gets sick. 病 Bing - The stage of 'Sickness' 
Sickness overcomes him and he dies. 死 Si - the stage of 'death' 

The man is buried, there's a funeral held where everyone says remembrance. Friends and family mourns over his death. 墓 Mu - the stage of 'Grave' 

After some time, the man's existence is forgotten, or maybe very few will remember him. 绝 Jue - the stage of 'Extinct'

All the elements, wood, fire, earth, metal and water go through the same life and death cycle as the ancient Chinese man in the analogy.

The 12 Qi phases are:

胎 Tai - the stage of 'Womb'

养 Yang - the stage of 'Rear'

长生 ChangSheng - the stage of 'Birth'

沐浴 MuYu - the stage of 'Bath'

冠带 GuanDai - the stage of 'Wearing Hat'.

临官 LinGuan - the stage of 'Arriving Officer'

帝旺 DiWang - the stage of 'Imperial Prosperity'

衰 Shuai - the stage of 'Waning'

病 Bing - The stage of 'Sickness'

死 Si - the stage of 'Death'

墓 Mu - the stage of 'Grave'

绝 Jue - the stage of 'Extinct'

Please take note that my translation for the names of the stages in English is quite literal to give the readers an idea of what the Chinese characters mean. I strongly recommend readers to use PinYin or better still the Chinese characters when discussing the 12 Qi phase to avoid confusion.

On this subject, ZPZQ writes:

There's 12 EB, 12 months, thus for each HS, from ChangSheng to Tai and Yang, is separated into 12 places.

The terms (names) of ChangSheng MuYu etc, were borrowed for describing purpose.

ChangSheng is the beginning of a person is when he's born

MuYu is like after a person is born, he's bathed to remove the dirt, it's like when a seed is sprouting, the green shell (kernel) is washed away.

GuanDai, describe Qi as gradually growing, it's like when a person is growing with age.

LinGuan, is because after one is grown, he's becoming strong, it's like when the person can join the government.

Diwang, is the peak of prosperity and strength, it's like when a person can assist the emperor to achieve greatness.

Shuai, when the peak is reached, it starts to wane, the beginning of change for things (to decline)

Bing, is quite waned (declined / aged)

Si, Qi is completely finished without residue

Mu, the creator keeps and stores, it's like when a person is buried in the earth.

Jue, the Qi before is extinct, the Qi after will continue

Tai, the Qi after continues and materialized, gathered to become womb

Yang, is like a person is feeding inside mother's womb.

And after this is ChangSheng and the cycle repeats without end.

Master Xu LeWu wrote:

The saying of Born (ChangSheng), Prosperity (DiWang), Grave (Mu) and Extinct (Jue) has an ancient origin.

The book of Huai Nan Zi says:
In winter:
wood is strong,
water is old,
fire is born,
metal is imprisoned and
earth is dead.

The book of TaiPing YuLan, in the topic of the resting and prosperity of 5 elements says:

At the beginning of spring:
Gen is prosperous,
Zhen is ministerial (strong),
Xun is in womb,
Li is gone,
Kun is dead,
Dui is imprisoned,
Qian is barren,
Kan is at rest and so forth

Even though the names and terms are different, but the meanings are almost similar.

The later generations uses 12 Earthly branches to match 8 Guas, and established the system of 12 stages of life,

although it's the saying of the art practitioners,

it matches with the nature of heaven and earth,

although the language is unrefined,

the meaning it contained is extremely profound,

for those who research into the subject of Yin and Yang and 5 elements, cannot be away from this (is saying thatthe basic concept has to be adhered to).

SMTH states:

5 elements lodging at the 12 palaces: ChangSheng, MuYu, GuanDai, LinGuan, DiWang, Shuai, Bing, Si, Mu, Jue, Yang, Tai, the cycle is without end, after one complete cycle, another cycle beings again, creations are similar to humans, the cycle in the 12 palaces is like human reincarnation.

《三命提要》云:SanMing TiYao says:

五行寄生十二宫,Five elements lodging at 12 palaces:

One is named Receiving Qi, is also named Extinct, named brittle, is like ten thousand beings inside the earth that yet to have an image, like the mother's womb is empty, there's nothing inside.

Two is named Receiving Womb, Qi of heaven and earth interchanges, cloudy and forming creations, the creation is sprouting in the earth, its Qi begins to exist, like a person receives Qi from its parents.

Three is named Taking Shape (Forming), it's like ten thousand beings taking their shapes in earth, like a person taking shape in the mother's womb.

Four is named Birth, ten thousand beings are born to glory, like a person is born and grow.

Five is named Bath, also named Failure, when beings are born, its body is soft and brittle, easily wounded, is like three days a person is born, is showered, is almost towards being bound and and extinct; (this phase seems to imply that Qi strength at MuYu is almost as weak as Jue)

Six is named Wearing of Hat, beings are gradually becoming glorious and refined, is like a man wearing dress and hat.

Seven is named Arriving officer, beings are truly defined, like when one is ready to become and officer.

Eight is named Imperial prosperity, beings are mature, like a man prospers.

Nine is named Waning, beings are waning, like a man's Qi is waning.

Ten is named Sickness, beings are sick, like a man is sick.

Eleven is named death, beings are dead, like a man is dead.

Twelve is named grave, or storage, is when beings had complete their work and store the in storage, is like a man eventually return to the grave, after returning to grave, it starts to receive Qi, forming in womb and born again.

When analyzing birth charts, seeing ChangSheng, or Wang does not necessarily means auspicious, seeing resting, imprisonment, death and extinction does not necessarily means inauspicious.

Like when it is overly prosperous, it should be controlled and overcome, if it is dead and extinct, it should be engendered and supported, it is wonderful is one has the knowledge of the changes.

The ancient takes Tai (Womb), Sheng (Born), Wang (Prosperity) and Ku (storage) as 4 nobles, Dead, Extinct, Sickness and Failure s 4 taboos, the rest are four flats, is a generalized saying.

Elemental Qi strength based on the 12 Stages

Qi is strongest when the elements are in the stage of ChangSheng, LinGuan (or sometimes called JianLu 建禄) and DiWang. The next strongest Qi are the stages of Mu (grave) and GuanDai.

Qi is weakest when the elements are in the stages of Si (dead) and Jue (extinct)

ZPZQ says:

原文:人之日主,不必生逢禄旺,即月令休囚,而年日时中, 得长禄旺,便不为弱,就使逢库,亦为有根。

DM of a person does not neccesarily has to be birth meeting Lu and Wang (LinGuan and DiWang), even if the month's command makes it rest or trapped, but on Year, Day and Hour see ChangSheng, JianLu and DiWang, is not regarded as weak, and if it meets storage (Mu), it still is rooted.


The trendy saying that things stored in storage must be clash is an absurd saying from rustic books, but Yang ChangSheng is powerful, Yin ChangSheng is not powerful, but is not weak.


If meeting storage, Yang is considered to be rooted, and Yin storage is useless. That is because Yang is great and Yin is little, Yin cannot be on par with Yang, that is the law of nature.

So now we know what the 12 stages are, but how do the elements pass through the stages? 

The element pass through the stages as they pass through the months, let's take Jia wood (Yang wood) as an example, Jia wood is born at Hai, dies at Wu. 

Hai - Born (ChangSheng)
Zi  - MuYu
Chou - GuanDai
Yin - LinGuan
Mao - DiWang
Chen - Shuai
Si - Bing
Wu - Dead (Si)
Wei - Mu
Shen - Jue
You - Tai
Xu - Yang
Hai - Born again.. 

When Yang is born, Yin is dead, when Yin is born Yang is dead. Yang follows the cycle of months and Yin goes against the cycle of months.

So for Yi wood (Yin wood), the months would be in reversed order.

Wu - Yi is born (ChangSheng) at Wu because Jia is dead at Wu
Si - MuYu
Chen - GuanDai
Mao - LinGuan
Yin - DiWang
Chou - Shuai
Zi - Bing
Hai - Dead (Si), <---When Yi is dead, Jia is born
Xu - Mu
You - Jue
Shen - Tai
Wei - Yang
Wu - born again... (ChangSheng) 

From the exercise above, we can do the same for other Stems, all we need to remember is:

Jia is born in Hai
Bing is born in Yin
Wu is born in Yin
Geng is born in Si
Ren is born in Shen

Or just refer to this table

天干地支 HS / EB - Part 18 San Ming Tong Hui - Gui Water

SMTH 癸 Gui Water

Gui water follows behind Ren water, is the Qi of one cycle of Yin and Yang, which is completed at the end but inversely begins again, water can be divided into clear and turbid, dispersed to the four, directions,it has the ability to moisten and help earth, the virtue of nourishing ten thousand beings. 

In heaven as rain and dew, on earth as springs and underground water, is named Yin water.

It is at the stage of 'Lu' at Zi, Zi is the time when Yin reaches the extreme and Yang is born, Xin is born and Geng dies. 

Gui as living water, living water is gentle water, likes to be engendered by Yin Metal, fear of Yang metal as it can be sluggish, desires Yin wood as its root can tilt Yin earth, and tilted Yin earth will allow underground water to flow smoothly.

On the second month is strong Mao, which is flowers, fruits, trees and wood, prosperous wood causes earth to leak (as it is tilted it cannot contain water), Gui water can connect through.


As for Shen Land, it's the matter of 3 Yins, Fou Gua (the 12th of the 64Gua) takes command, Heaven and earth does not associate with each other, ten thousand beings does not connect (go through), Kun earth within Shen, Geng metal becomes cofferdam, Gui water flow smoothly, and it is contained to be ponds and marshes, nowhere for it to set, how can it engender beings?

Thus Gui water is born in Mao and dies at Shen. The classic says: Water does not flow towards the west. That is the meaning of this.

天干地支 HS / EB - Part 17 San Ming Tong Hui - Ren Water

SMTH 壬 Ren Water

Ren water likes Yang Earth to be its bank, and it's afraid of Yi wood robbing it's Qi.

In heaven as clouds, on earth as marsh, named as Yang Water.

It is at the stage of 'Lu' at Hai, Hai as the water that is contained by pond and marsh, is named dead water.

Dead water is tough water, relies of Geng metal to engender, Geng is at 'Lu' stage at Shen, so it can engender Ren water, it's the cyclic 'Rear' Qi of the five elements.

As for Mao land, Mao is flowers, leaves. trees and woods, prosperous wood at Mao can counter earth, weak earth collapses, when the bank is collapsed, water is drained, dispersed everywhere, flow out and will not return, and also its Qi is robbed by Wood, how can it survive?

That is why Ren water is born in Shen and dies at Mao. The classics say: dead water flows horizontally. That is the meaning of this.

天干地支 HS / EB - Part 16 San Ming Tong Hui - Xin Metal

SMTH 辛 Xin Metal

Xin metal follows behind Geng Metal, as the head of the five metals, the prime of the 8 rocks.

In heaven as the sun and mood, is the essence of the great Yin (the moon), on earth s metal, metal as the mineral from mountains and rocks, it is named Yin metal.

It is at the stage of 'Lu' at You, Ji earth in You can engenders Xin Metal, which is Yin giving birth to Yin, thus is named gentle metal, which is the essence of great Yin.

Xin metal is born in Z, Zi is the wall of Kan water, in Kan, one Yang belongs to metal, the other 2 Yin belongs to earth, earth can engender metal, child is hidden in mother's womb, has not shown its body, when it gets flushed by water which is the child of metal, sands / silt will be washed away, that is how it become prominent, when aided by water metal is glorious, its color and light is bright and clear.

and as to Si land, Si is the fire of furnace and smelt, which molds Xin metal to become useful, but it  is also being buried by Wu earth n Si, its shaped cannot be changed, how can it be rebirth?

Thus, Xin metal is born at Zi and dies at Si. The classic says: Heavy earth buries metal. This is what it means. 

天干地支 HS / EB - Part 15 San Ming Tong Hui - Geng Metal

SMTH 庚 Geng Metal

Geng Metal is in charge of the Withering Qi that comes in Autumn,and warfare matter among mankind.

In heaven as frosty wind, on earth as Metal and Iron. It is named Yang Metal.

It is at the 'Lu' stage in Shen, Shen is tough metal, likes to be engendered by Wu Earth, is afraid of  drowning in Gui water.

Is born at Si, Wu earth within Si can engender Geng metal, which is Yang engendering Yang

Si is the fire of furnace and smelt, molding Geng metal, making it to be objects like bells and censers (great objects), when it is knocked, it sounds, if it meets water and earth to be submerged or buried there would be no sound, it is said that metal truly has no sound.

Until Zi land, the place where water is prosperous, Metal is chilly and water is cold, child is prosperous and mother is weak, then it suffers the hardship of being drowned and not able to re-birth. 

Thus, Geng metal is born in Si and dies at Zi. The classic says, Metal sinks at the bottom of water. That is the meaning of this. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

天干地支 HS / EB - Part 14 San Ming Tong Hui - Ji Earth

SMTH 己 Ji Earth

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Ji Earth follows behind Wu earth, is the primordial Qi of heaven, and the true earth on earth. 


Pure Qi ascends, harmonize heaven and earth, turbid Qi descends, collectively engenders ten thousand beings, it is names Yin earth.


Heaven, earth and human, the three courses (refers to HS, EB and HHS) should not lack of this Earth,it is like the matchmaker of heaven and earth, if Yin and Yang does not have this, how can they match?


Thus in four elements, there's nowhere that is cannot be without,and in four seasons, it's still lodging prosperously, and this is true earth.


Likes Ding fire to engenders, fears Bing Fire as it gets parched.

It is at the stage of 'Lu' in Wu, Ding Fire in Wu can engender Ji Earth, Yi wood robs the nurturing Qi.


And as for You land, Ding Fire is born, thus Ji earth also can be born.


And what's happening at Yin, Wood and Fire take charge, molding Ji earth, eventually become porcelain rocks, lost it harmonious Qi, how can it not be broken?


Thus Ji Earth is born in You and dies at Yin. The classics says: Strong fire breaks the earth. That is the meaning of this.